I am currently focusing on breeding several species of beautiful and sought after lizards, such as carpet chameleons, electric blue geckos, and northern blue tongue skinks. I also make an effort to breed species which are considered difficult or impossible, such as flying lizards, in order to push our collective knowledge and experience further. I make a point to publish and share freely all of my knowledge on my own website, YouTube channel, Facebook page, and other publications such as Reptiles magazine.
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Hello! My name is Frank Payne and I am a biology teacher, former AZA senior herpetology zookeeper, and breeder of exceptional lizards. I have been keeping and breeding reptiles and amphibians continuously, both personally and professionally, for over twenty five years. During my time as a zookeeper, I was part of a team that created and staffed multiple exhibitions that were part of many of the best facilities in the world, including the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the National Aquarium in Baltimore, and the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, among many others. During that time I made multiple television appearances, including The Late Show with David Letterman.
When you purchase an animal from me, you are also purchasing my experience, advice, and support throughout the life of the animal. This freely shared knowledge and experience that comes with each animal I produce is what sets me above and apart from much of the industry. Besides animal health, customer service is my number one priority.